“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
– Andre Gide
Travel Hooligan helps young adults from the USA obtain and utilize a Working Holiday Visa in Australia and New Zealand
Our comprehensive step-by-step guides will supply you with everything you need to know to make the transition overseas.

We cover
•Obtaining a passport
•Acquiring the visa
•Finding a job once you arrive
•Everything in between
Our checklists and detailed information (ie. how to set up a bank account before you even leave the country) will be a key factor in getting you organized and feeling confident to take this trip on like the boss you are!
We know that you can do this on your own, but we also know it can be a scary step to take. Our guides are designed to answer every question you have about moving to Australia or New Zealand.
There’s a lot of information we wish we knew when heading abroad, and we want you to now have that insider advantage. You got this!
Click for more info on guides
We’re available to help you out with any lingering concerns or questions. We want you to do and see what makes you happy. Have a question? Contact us via email at: info@travelhooligan.com